Why the best team players beat all-stars. Imagine you’ve been handed your dream opportunity at Google, including a big budget to attract superstars in every field to staff your project. You’ve handpicked an A-Team of proven performers who ultimately were … Continue reading
August 2, 2016
Mark's Articles at INC, Forbes, Virgin, HuffPost, Fast Company

Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg Think This Is the Worst Strategic Mistake You Can Make

What Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates Told Me About Getting Out of My Own Way

Six Career Tips From Buffett & Branson & The World’s Best Coaches
Webinars | Thompson Ranked #1 Executive Coach for Innovation, Change, Engagement
10 Tips from the World’s Top Coaches That Will Make Your Career
Marshall Goldsmith, GE’s Jeff Immelt, Richard Branson, Mark Thompson
Access the FREE Webinar
Becoming the Most Valuable Player on Your Team
Stanford University’s Prof Cliff Nass, Bonita Thompson, Mark Thompson
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Leading Your Own Life
Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Thompson
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Most Admired Companies: Boosting Engagement
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Keynote Speaking Topics
Media Kit
More by Mark Thompson

What Leaders Say About Mark

"I can't express enough how moved I was by your presentation. Consider my mind blown. When I'm having a rough day I would love to think of how you got us back in the right place. In admiration of you my friend!"

"Your presentation was fantastic and was quite well received based on the feedback I have been receiving."

"It's been terrific to have you with us. The topics, the images and stories, the very words we needed to hear from an outsider."

"Mark has the ability to develop an energetic, and positive environment that is contagious. This environment creates a win-win strategy for success."

"Mark's advice and coaching have been invaluable to us at the World Bank Group."

"Mark demonstrates a rarely seen balance of business acumen, emotional intelligence, authenticity, and warmth that makes his approach to coaching so valuable. The resulting work is truly groundbreaking and results are easily measurable."

"Mark was instrumental in helping me develop and adapt my experiences and learning to transform a century-old company known for its service, into one that was leveraging leading-edge digital technology to strengthen and expand its brand. "

"Mark brings an uncanny knack to blend his rich experiences in the corporate world, academia and as an entrepreneur into his advice and coaching."

"Mark is a genuine, smart, passionate and amazing leader who never ceases to inspire me! "

"Having Mark as a coach has been transformative for me and the business."

"Mark is one of our most-requested coaches for C-Suite executives at CoachSource."

"Participant feedback is really strong. I really appreciate your message. It was the right one and well received. "

"I just wanted to say thanks for your great work in Costa Rica and also for meeting our colleague in Singapore. "

"You rocked it! ...you, too, were FANTASTIC! "

"Your amazing presence and ability to engage the audience were awe-inspiring. "

"Presentation was great and really supported us with customers... looking forward to continue working with Mark!"

"Feedback was exceptional for your talk. Appreciate the support and engagement of our team. "

"...an inspiration...the people you've worked for, the experiences that you've got, the way that you bring that to life with such clarity, humor, passion and energy, was really quite inspiring. It made a big difference to me and the members of my team...fantastic..."

"Thanks for Mark's contributions to Schwab's successes!"

"We're at a pivotal moment in our company... Mark got the entire leadership team inspired... It was so impactful."

"I really enjoyed your session. Like you, I'm convinced so much can be solved with #engagement!"

"Mark and Bonita reveal powerful strategies that help you make it happen."

"...Mark really understands the opportunities within our industry--who's making it grow and where we're heading."

"I really enjoyed Success Built to Last. (Let's) use the lessons for an interactive discussion in Davos."

"Enjoyed your presentation at the HP ES kick-off last week. You did a great job."

"We were thrilled to have Mark present at NIKE HQ... overwhelming high marks..."

"...Your story resonated with our team and contributed to the workshops we conducted this morning with our managers."

"Many thanks for helping us "bring some magic" to our colleagues."

"Fantastic...his messages were inspirational and right on target... and will help take us to the next level..."

"Loved your talk. Do you have versions of it on YouTube? Would love to see it again and share it."

""You clearly had a passion for the subject matter, which just makes it that much more engaging and interesting!""

"Thank you @XeroxEvents, an inspiring #SimpleAtWork esp talks by Baroness Shields, Mark Thompson, Sir Ken Robinson, and @Xerox CEO Ursula Burns"

"Mark, your keynote was 'super fantastic'. It couldn't have been any better. Thank you for modifying to fit our very diverse audience."

"I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks again for making our Inspirational Leadership event the best ever"

"I do not have words that could thank you enough for referring Mark Thompson. He was just outstanding. "

"Mark did a great job today. As usual, he was helping us through the consumer experience and asking the tough questions..."

"I really enjoyed the presentation--actually it was much more--it was a dialogue and we felt included... I found it very useful and enlightening..."

"Your videos on leadership are wonderful!!!!! Thank you Mark--so special to work together with you."

"We felt energized and positive after the event! Thanks for taking the time to get to know our team before giving your talk."

"Really appreciate what you did for our sales organization... an excellent job of incorporating our priorities, very relevant, very inspiring. Very well done."

"Thompson's message is right on target..."

"You did an awesome job for us!"

"...your remarks hit the notes I was looking for!"

"Our clients were inspired and energized by your extraordinary message."

"Your keynote address was extremely well received... thanks for helping make this year's ASTD Leaders Conference the most successful to date!"

"He not only did a great job delivering the keynote, he took the time to get to know our business, our solutions and...some of our customers before the conference. That's his style."

"Thompson's inspiring message is just what your leadership team needs! He customizes his keynotes to provide action..."

"Just a phenomenal presentation. It was uplifting and also very informative. He gave really good strategies, highly engaging."

"Mark and Brian teach you to build a successful business and life with clarity and care. Reading their words is like plugging into your personal battery charger. You will find the encouragement to become the unique leader you are meant to be."

"Mark just spoke to our top performers. He put the ideas into real world context--how each person interacts--he wove it all together beautifully. You could see in everyone's faces that it was a great event, something that they will remember."