How to Enchant Your Customers

I recently got to chat with author and speaker Guy Kawasaki, whose most recent book, Enchantment, explores our need to be enchanted by people and organizations.

I asked him to tell me a few fundamentals we need to remember when it comes to making something happen:

1. You have to be likeable—you’re not very persuasive if people don’t like you!

2. You have to be trustworthy—because people can like you but not trust you for your advice.

3. You have to have a great product—enchant people with an exciting concept.

He also shared one of the most ironic things he’d learned in his career: you might assume that because you’re being innovative and creating a new and exciting product, people would see that and instantly get behind it.

“The more innovative you are, though,” he said, “the more you have to be enchanting.”

When people think about change, they get scared.

“But, one of the best ways to combat a fearful situation is to go with people you like and trust!” he pointed out.

 If someone has enchanted you that you like and trust, it helps remove that fear of change and makes you more willing to go forward.

Guy also points out that it doesn’t just have be the CEO or figurehead of the company who enchants you—he used the great example of the Apple Genius Bar.

“If you walk into an Apple store, you’re not thinking Steve Jobs will be handling your appointment!” he laughed. “Instead you go to the Genius Bar, and you meet someone who’s really smart, really trustworthy and really likeable–and they solve your problem! For all intents and purposes, that person is Apple for you.”

Boom! You’re enchanted.

Watch my interview with Guy Kawsaki below:


2 thoughts on “How to Enchant Your Customers

  1. Thanks for sharing this interview Mark. I always appreciate Guy and his insights. He gets to the point and is very clear about what he is trying to accomplish.
    One point that you discussed with Guy was the idea that the more innovative you are, the more enchanting you have to be. Through following your blog, studying visionaries and leaders like Steve Jobs, I have learned that communication is critical component to building an innovative product or service. If one can’t articulate their vision, then it becomes very difficult to get others to buy into what they are selling. With that being said, do you think being able to articulate your thoughts in an effective manner is a trait you are born with or something that you can develop and strengthen through practice?

    • Thanks, Blake. It’s a gift for some people, but most have to learn how to do it. The best way to be heard is to find out the most you possibly can about your audience, and tailor the message to fit their language, their culture and what’s valuable to them.

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